Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wedding Dresses and Lions

Building relationships with the Iraqi kids can happen in the randomest and funniest ways. Surprisingly, a combination of sign language and random Kurdish or Arabic words can communicate a whole host of ideas.
For example, last night we went out for ice cream at McDonald's to celebrate a staff member's birthday. On the way back, we stopped at one of the windows that was displaying one of the gaudiest wedding dresses I have ever seen. I mean, it was truly horrendous. It had one sleeve like thing that looked like a giant lamp shade. It would have puffed higher than my head. But note, this was only on one side. The other side didn't have a strap. Then around the top there were beads and tear drop shaped fake pearls, and ribbons, and lace, and other nonsense. It was.... ridiculous. The dress itself was mermaid shaped so it comes in tighter around the knees. At this tightest point there were giant roses all the way around the dress. Then out from this gaudy garden flowed yards of that weird netting. The whole combination was just dreadful, but the Iraqi moms thought it was fantastic! They kept telling me I should wear it! I just said no, no, no! This started a conversation about if I wanted to get married, and then somehow we skipped straight to having children so I had to remind them I am not married. Then we decided, "Inshallah" (If God wills it) this will all happen someday. But I can tell you that Inshallah I do get married, I will not wear that dress!
Then today we went to Lion's Park so the two boys in the house could have some time outside. The house is actually really empty right now. We have two children in the hospital, one had a doctors appointment today, and then the two boys- Mohammed age 11 and Joman age 2. I love both of them and have an awesome time hanging out with them. Mohammed is the oldest of seven children, so he is a great big brother to Joman. Today at the park, he was always trying to convince Joman to join in, but also careful that the little boy wouldn't get hurt. We splashed around in the fountain and had a great time. Joman is so funny. He is a little behind developmentally because of his heart condition. When he first got here, he never walked. Now he waddles around, cautiously, but with growing confidence. He is also my little child. I'm serious. This kid always chooses me over his mother which is starting to cause some problems. Last night I had to leave so they could put him to bed. Apparently he cried for half an hour! I felt so bad. Thankfully I made up for it today by playing with him in the pond, then blowing bubbles after lunch, and took him up and down the slide countless times at a nearby park. I just hope when he goes home he forgets about me and loves his family!

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