Friday, April 29, 2011

Royals are Human

Yes, we watched the Royal Wedding. Since we are in Europe it was only fitting that we tune in with the other millions of people around the globe. It was especially interesting because we watched it with a family from England who could fill us in on traditions that we didn't understand or would have missed. But what I took away from the whole thing... royals are human!
For example...
- During the car ride to the church, Kate was waving so hard I thought her hand would fall off! She must have been a little nervous for her big day
- When Kate made it up to the altar and William got his first look at his bride to be he told her "You look beautiful!" (Yes, we read his lips on that one). And what bride doesn't want to hear that on her wedding day?
- On the balcony, one of the flower girls covered her ears because the noise was so deafening. In the meantime, Kate and William were awed by the size of the crowd and kept pointing to out to each other how far it kept going!
It was refreshing to see their personalities come through on such a big day. Normally we only see highlight videos, but watching the whole thing gave a better idea of what the wedding really was like for them. I will admit, even though it was really long, it was cool to see this historic event. I just hope they last longer than Charles and Diana.
Last comment, I hope anyone who watched it appreciated the preacher! He nailed the Gospel. How cool is it that they got some one so legit to preach at an event televised around the world!!!!

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